In March of 2020, schools shut down due to a global pandemic. This pandemic changed and affected many people’s lives and still is. When schools came back after summer break, a virtual setting was put in place to allow for safe schooling but still effective and consistent. Now in 2021 we can see how far we have come from virtual schooling. A survey was conducted of the Mountain Lakes High School students on what they think about the schedules they have used over the past two school years.
As a student, I thought it would be interesting to hear what other people think about this year’s schedule versus the schedule last year. Personally, the rotating block schedule is my favorite because it allows me to get a break from certain classes and have more time to do homework and study.
Below are some questions I asked the student body:
Which schedule was easiest for you?

Which schedule do you prefer?

Do you think the rotating block schedule is stressful?

Following are some thoughts that students shared regarding the block schedule:
“It’s always a different class every day and it’s difficult to remember what day it’s going to be when you have to plan to meet with teachers or clubs because you have to keep in mind your lab.”
“If you miss a day of school, you miss 54 minutes of learning. Making up tests become more difficult.”
“The longer period makes it harder to sit still.”
As a handful of students indicated the block schedule may cause new stresses, I wondered what students did whenever they were stressed. So I asked…
What is your outlet for stress?

Unsurprisingly, 25% of the students said that their outlet for stress is sports. This goes to show that sports are a large part of student life and that having sports as an outlet is important.
Here are some final thoughts that students shared about school so far this year:
“I enjoy block scheduling! But I think some benefits are denied with the old advantages of online learning. For example, some teachers require submission online on a certain day, even if class is not held that day. That completely negates the one of the benefits of block scheduling.”
“I loved virtual school and I dislike how block scheduling confuses all my homework.”
“The rotating blocks really do add a lot to our classes. We can learn so much more with the extra 15 minutes.”
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