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SOCIAL JUSTICE CORNER: Social Determinants of Health
What are the social determinants of health (SDOH) and why do they matter?? Many of us may not be fully...
Is the Newest “The Batman” Worth Watching?
Summary (major spoilers ahead!) Bruce Wayne is just starting to become Batman and he goes around and helps the police...
Breaking Down “Voices” from Netflix’s The Crown
Ever since its first airing in 2016, Netflix’s The Crown has been a point of discussion for people all over...
Welcome Back Mrs. Fiorina!
At the end of the first semester, MLHS welcomed back Mrs. Fiorina. Mrs. Fiorina taught here part-time a few years...
The Dress Code: An Anarchist’s Analysis
"Good Afternoon Lakers, Just as a reminder, please take a look at our Dress Code Policy below. Any student who...
What Makes “Euphoria” so Great? (Moments From Season One)
The HBO show "Euphoria" has undoubtedly taken the world by storm, myself included. In fact, every Sunday night while season...
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