Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
When politics are not welcome at your Thanksgiving table, here is a list of fun topics to discuss and conversation starters:
- If you won $1 million, what would you spend your money on?
- If you could have a pet turkey, what would be its name?
- Which family member would make the best turkey?
- What is the best Thanksgiving side/dish?
- What is the worst Thanksgiving side/dish?
- Which Thanksgiving dish/side matches your personality?
- What random food would you like to add to the Thanksgiving table?
- What is something this year you are grateful for?
- What is still on your bucket list?
- If you could invite any 3 people to your Thanksgiving table, who would they be and why?
- If you could start a new Thanksgiving tradition, what would it be?
- If Thanksgiving was a sport how would you score points?
- If you could write a Thanksgiving song what would the name be?
- If you could be invited to any person’s (could be celebrity) Thanksgiving dinner, who would it be?
- If $5 million were given to the fastest person to eat a whole Thanksgiving Dinner, how fast would everyone around the table be able to finish?

Here are also a few miscellaneous fun facts about Thanksgiving:
- The first Thanksgiving took place in September or October, not November!
- Turkey was not the main dish – It was most likely seafood, venison, duck, and goose!
- The average Thanksgiving meal is 4,500 calories!
- Almost 80 million Americans travel each year for Thanksgiving!
- Last year, almost 300 million people ate Turkey during Thanksgiving!
- Each Thanksgiving, about 50 million pumpkin pies get eaten!
- 4 towns in America are named Turkey!
- Minnesota is the state that raises the most turkeys, raising 44 million turkeys each year!
- There are over 200 potential Thanksgiving dishes to serve!
- The 1st president to pardon a Thanksgiving turkey is JFK!
- According to a poll, people like leftovers more than Thanksgiving dinner!
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